Thursday, September 2, 2021

EV Reveries

Jukeboxes thoughtfully and tastefully curated - R&B, Chicago Blues, Jamaican music, Dylan, Band, Stones, Neil, Byrds....

The first times I hung with my brother in the EV we stood in the Ave A side of the park and smoked a spliff and I noticed how quiet and peaceful it was, almost like not being in NYC

One of the most pleasant nights ever spent out in Manhattan. Oh, and no cops to speak of, no homeless camps etc

AND there was no attitudes no 
sneering smirking uptown slummers

He then took me to a couple of bars now sadly long gone. The beer was cheap, the jukeboxes kicked ass,

Gem Spa I frequented several times a week. It was important to me because it sold Irish and English newspapers and music mags like the NME in the days it was taken over by Socialists. Plus they had motoring mags - I got the US ones for free at work but I would buy the English ones at the Gem


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